Primary Section


Our Primary Section

At Poter’s House Academy,  we provide all children with a safe and secure environment that encourages children to realize their full potential. As a Centre of aspiring excellence, our standards are high and we strive to make learning an exciting and holistic experience.

With a keen focus on providing holistic education for our pupils, we embrace an approach that addresses all facets of growth and development. To achieve the holistic approach we hold PPI programmes every Friday involving the students and teachers. We also invite guest speakers to give motivational talks to the pupils in the upper primary. We hold retreats for class 8 pupils with the aim of preparing them for a gradual transition to the next level of education.

Our purpose is to make every pupil the best he/she can in all areas of development. Our activities are, therefore well planned and tailor made to enable the learner attain maximum knowledge through practical participation.

We believe that every pupil is unique and talented, and our activities are, therefore, well planned and therefore The Poter’s House boarding facility was introduced within the premises and provides a serene learning environment for pupils from the age of 10.

We have various clubs in the school and we encourage all our pupils to take part.

We also have a set of school rules which all pupils must adhere to, this aids in keeping and maintaining discipline at all times within the school premises.

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