Secondary Section
Our Curriculum
At Potter’s House Academy, we follow an adapted form of the Kenyan Curriculum. This means that throughout the Primary School up to and including Junior Secondary students study the set national curriculum subjects, including Mathematics, English, Science, Geography, History, Art, Physical Education, Music, a modern Foreign Language and ICT.
In Year Nine pupils undertake a pre-KCSE year of study, and in Year’s Ten and Eleven students follow a two year course leading to the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.
If a student achieves 5 good C grade passes at this level they can then go on to study for the Advanced Level General Certificate of Education (A-levels) which are considered a gold standard for entry to universities worldwide.
Throughout their schooling, all students also follow a course in Physical Education although this is not an examined subject.
Our students have the option to study two languages in addition to English. These are French and Kiswahili.
We teach Physics, Chemistry and Biology as separate subjects to KCSE, whereas in the Kenya some schools offer a combined science course.
In the primary section of the school students take tests in English, Mathematics and Science at various stages. In addition they undertake a major examination at the end of Year 9 to mark the transition to Secondary School for Year 10 at age 13+. Such testing allows us to monitor pupil standards and to track individual progression in learning.